If you are one of the many international students struggling with English grammar, you may be wondering how you can have someone help you fix the grammar errors in your essays. An ESL essay editing service is what you need, which at Edit My Paper is more than simply editing, we comment on ways you can improve other issues in your writing. Even if you are studying abroad, you can still use our service just like if you were at home. Choosing English as your second language is a rewarding choice, with many international businesses requiring top university graduates who speak English.
By having our editors find and fix all of your writing errors, you can rest assured that your grammar and punctuation will be perfect for when you submit your work or proposal. It’s easy to read your own work and think it is perfect, but that doesn’t matter – you won’t be grading your work – your professor will be! We know different figures of speech, terms that North Americans would use, and can help you with words with more than one meaning.
With this in mind, the easiest way to improve your grammar is by listening and taking grammar classes, often called ESL classes. However, when requiring your work to be corrected, trust us to understand your essay topic and content, so that we can make the required Microsoft word markups, allowing you to view and accept changes. We will leave you clear instructions on how to improve anything that requires more than editing. Thus, allow us to provide you with ESL grammar help at any time of day.
It’s important to us that you succeed, which is why we go the extra mile to ensure that your paper is error free and able to be submitted right away. This allows you to get higher grades which will enable you to trust us to edit all of your subsequent assignments. Without an ESL essay editor, you will find it difficult to get good grades in university, thus college paper editing is essential for removing all of your grammar errors. We fix your grammar, spelling, punctuation, flow, consistency, and style, all in as few as 90 minutes. But not all online services are created equal, be sure to choose an editor who will not only proofread, but engage in copy editing for your paper in order to give you the best results. Edit My Paper has received the best reviews from a survey of university students at University of Toronto, as well as from a prestigious university in the US. Trust us to find, correct, and improve your paper – we’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Although some may argue otherwise, a significant part of your education is comprised of writing various papers. The most important of which is a thesis or dissertation. Editors for dissertations papers are hard to come by, and excellent dissertation editors are even more sought-after. When searching for a proofreading service, one must be cognizant of the company that stands behind the editors and the level of editor being chosen to take on such an important task. For a paper that is considered an ‘important grade,’ you should be mindful of giving your paper editor sufficient time as the time commitment they make will often weigh heavily on the quality of editing produced.
The effort that your editor puts into editing your paper will determine the degree to which you increase your grade or in this case, whether your thesis or dissertation is accepted. For a dissertation proofreader, being knowledgeable on various topics is necessary. However, seeing examples of edited dissertations or similar work can set your mind at ease, and knowing that a reputable Canadian editing company stands behind your work is even more reassuring. However, one must be aware that content vs. grammar edits are different and your typical copy editor, which Edit My Paper’s Gold level editors provide, will not fact check your content, but instead focus on your grammar and similar errors. In the real world, editors are used for just about any writing that is meant to be seen by more than one person, such as legal documents, newspaper articles, or even advertisements. Thus, having someone edit your work is a great way to prepare you for the working world.
The easiest and most unfortunate way to lose marks is by using improper grammar and incorrect punctuation. Dissertation grammar edits should focus on flow, consistency, and style, as well as the basics. Online proofreader services, such as Edit My Paper, can be a life-saver to both ESL students and graduates. The value you get from an error-free paper will pay dividends and help you to meet your due date.
With this in mind, having a timeline and sticking to it is important when working on a paper. But ultimately, knowing when you need an editor is the most important final step as it will save you from losing valuable marks and will improve your overall grade.
The most reliable way to choose from the different dissertation editing services, is to see which one has qualified editors in your field, has a brand behind them, and can accomplish your task in a given amount of time. For your typical essay, having high-grade students review and edit your work can mean the difference between a B- and an A. Professors look at your paper for a short time and often decide within a few minutes what grade you will receive, so first impressions count. Edit My Paper edits with Track Changes, allowing you to see exactly what your editor changed in Microsoft Word and comments are left along the margins. We also allow you to choose between a 1.5 hour to 72 hour turnaround time, allowing you to save money and give your editor more time, however, our editors only get paid when you are completely satisfied, so choosing a shorter turnaround time will not impact the quality of work you receive. It should be abundantly clear that a higher final grade IS possible when you have all of your papers edited by Edit My Paper.
We’ve all been there – it’s less than a 12 hours before your essay is due and the amount of stress you’ve built up is not helping the grammar corrections you still need to make on your essay. While you may ask yourself, “how can I correct my essay,” what you really need to do is find an overnight essay correction service that can help you find all of the writing mistakes in your paper and thus, improve your grade. You may be tempted to find a free paper checking service, but as we all know, there’s usually a catch when something’s free!
However, you may want to try editing your work on your own. You can do so by looking at your essay’s template (or outline) and compare it to what you’ve written to see if you have incorporated all of the ideas you set out to convey in your essay. You’ll also want to check whether your essay flows from one idea to another in a professional manner. While doing this you should read it aloud to ensure that all grammar, spelling, and punctuation is accounted for, which some do my creating a checklist.
It should be clear by now that correcting your essay is no easy feat – in fact, it’s quite time consuming, however, if done right, it can set your essay apart from those of your peers, earning you valuable marks. The most efficient way of correcting your essay is to read it over first and then have an essay corrector, such as an editor at Edit My Paper, do the heavy lifting. Each editor has checked numerous essays for mistakes in the past and has been vetted to ensure they know how to use proper grammar for Canadian, British, and American English.
The most important asset an editor can have is their ability to check the sentence structure of your written work. It’s fine to just check the basics, but checking and modifying your sentence structure can really make your paper flow much better. After all, you may have a well-researched paper, but if your professor has difficulty reading your work or finds your sentences awkward, you will lose valuable marks.
With this in mind, the next time you ask yourself “how can I correct my essay,” choose an online editor from EditMyPaper.ca so you can spend the time you would’ve spent pulling an all-higher with your essay, socializing with friends. After all, having your written work edited by someone else is suggested by college professors and why trust your friends or family when you can submit your paper in less than 3 minutes and have it back, fully edited by a professional editor, within 1.5 hours! Not only that, but each editor is vetted, has attended a Canadian university, and has a proven track record of editing documents, as well as a stellar academic record! With the best prices, fastest return time, and most choice, what are you waiting for? Enjoy the benefits that Edit My Paper’s best professional essay editors can bring to your life and benefit from higher marks with less stress!
Every year, thousands of university and college students struggle to find an academic paper editing solution that suits their needs. Many students are unaware of the inner workings of academia and thus may copy-edit their own work for the wrong stylistic issues. Online services are a dime a dozen, and are often based out of countries who’s citizens do not speak English primarily. The grading methods of professors change every few years so it’s best to choose a TA or better yet, a professor, who is up to date on the latest stylistic and academic methods of grading. It’s easy to find and correct simple mistakes, such as spelling mistakes, but when it comes to missed punctuation, a professional should be the one to show you how it’s done, since a simple comma can change the entire meaning of a sentence.
A fast and accurate editing service, such as EditMyPaper.ca, can provide students writing college essays with the correct solution at an affordable price. However, speed and price should not be the sole reason you choose one service over another. In fact, reputation of a company should be very important in your decision, as well as how well it communicates what it has to offer. The layout and information provided on a website’s home page should give you the confidence required to test out the service, even if it is just with the first page of your essay.
Most online services have a nice shiny feel or a special offer you cannot refuse, but when you receive the finished product, you may feel dissatisfied. This is why you need a focused, extremely professional and knowledgeable essay editing and proofreading service to aid your academic career. Edit My Paper’s editors are characterized as what the internet refers to excellent editors as, ‘Grammar Nazis,’ which simply means that the editors have an eye for finding and correcting improper English writing. Since your teaching assistant is likely the person who will be grading your essay, Edit My Paper allows you to have actual Teaching Assistants from different universities edit your paper. Having one of them find and fix your writing issues will ensure your passing grade isn’t just a ‘passing grade,’ but rather the TOP grade of your class! A top grade is a prerequisite for many graduate schools and scholarship opportunities.
In addition to the top-notch editing that teaching assistants provide, the service they provide will allow you to relieve most of the stresses of finals, and allow you to find room in your class schedule for other important activities. Thus, allowing a different set of eyes to proof read your paper, can mean the difference between a low passing grade, and one that will make your friends jealous. This should answer your questions on “what is proofreading” so that you can make an informed decision on how to proceed when you’re writing any of your next essays.
Whether you’re a student exiting high school, or a university student ready to graduate, we’ll work with you to get the best possible results from your written work. Academic editing services aren’t all created equal, in fact, most outsource your editing job to overseas companies, allowing what are essentially editors who do not speak English as their first language, to edit your paper that is supposed to be free from writing errors. Thus, get your paper edited by a professor by using Edit My Paper’s comprehensive editing service. In as few as 90 minutes to 72 hours, you can have your paper fully edited. Don’t worry – we’ll allow you to submit your paper on time, every time, because we guarantee you will receive your paper back in the time you have paid for. We’re open online 24 hours a day, so be sure to review our service for yourself by submitting any length of essay today! Tell your friends and receive a free page edited when they have theirs edited!
For centuries scholars have taken a heavy pen to their papers when engaging in one of the final stages of writing, essay proofreading. This skill takes years to refine and without a proper grasp of the English language, proofreading your own essay can be challenging. This is where online proofreaders like Edit My Paper’s proofreaders come into play. They specialize in fixing your punctuation, as well as adding and subtracting commas where necessary. They’ll recognize were quotation marks need to be and whether you should reference something that could get you in trouble if it isn’t referenced properly. Having other people proofread for you can be a gamble, especially if they are friends who are doing you a favour.
Often people who are doing you favours by helping to proofread your essay are not motivated like a paid Edit My Paper editor who has years of experience in academia. Not only that, but sending your paper to a friend when you finish it late at night can easily wreck your friendship and make it seem like you’re taking advantage of them. When you pay for an essay proofreading service online, you’re guaranteeing yourself a flawless paper that is free from writing errors. A pro editor can leave you stress-free by only requiring you to upload your paper, leaving it to them to edit your paper while you relax or move onto your next assignment.
It’s important to submit an error free paper, not only in terms of its content, but the way it is written. Your paper may have perfect content, but improper grammar in essays is one of the top reasons students lose the majority of marks. Not only that, but an editor will notice often embarrassing mistakes and allow you to pass the class with ease. Often writers need someone to find their mistakes because when you read your own essay, you may automatically add in words to make it read perfectly, words that you may have omitted in your paper. When writing essays for finals, invest in your education by submitting an error-free, professionally edited paper.
Proofreading for grammar is something that takes time to learn, and seeing what mistakes a professional editor catches will allow you to learn, eventually becoming confident enough to edit your own papers. Despite this, many college essays are riddled with errors and grammar mistakes because students lack the time required to find and fix each mistake. Don’t let this happen to you – don’t lose marks because of poor grammar or a rushed essay. Submit your draft essay and let an Edit My Paper editor fix it today!
It should be clear that college paper proofreaders are here to find, point out, and fix your errors so that you can learn from your mistakes. An essay proofreading service, like what Edit My Paper provides, is essential to make your paper stand out from the rest of your classes, by fixing punctuation errors that you may have been unaware of. Although Microsoft Word has a great grammar engine, it simply cannot replace a human’s years of knowledge about things like word choice or the flow of your essay. With this in mind, proofreading prices can be difficult to understand, however, the most important thing to remember is that Edit My Paper has a proven record of accomplishment of being the best proofreaders online.
Choosing a topic for your essay isn’t always easy. You often have to pick a topic from a list that your teacher assigns, or you may have literary boundaries to follow. Essay writing can be difficult if you choose a topic that is unfamiliar to you, or that you don’t fully understand. However, you may not totally understand every topic just by looking at it, but it’s important to choose something that seems like you would enjoy writing about it or that you are somewhat familiar with.
A good essay will not only be enjoyable and informative for the reader, but also be fun to write. Most essay types will fall under a few broad categories, namely being argumentative essay topics, narrative, expository, and descriptive. You may have learned how to write on some of these topics during your time in public school, but your professor should give you some guidance either while giving out the essay instructions, or posted to your online blackboard.
Generally speaking, an amazing college essay topic will be something that is relevant and interesting to read. Think about your reader’s point of view. Do you think your reader is interested in some boring and mundane essay topic? No! That’s why it’s always a good idea to come up with a topic that you think would WOW your reader, or at least be relatable and interesting to read. No one wants to read 3000 words of mundane writing that will put them to sleep. Most teaching assistants and professors have read countless dense papers, and they’ll likely read many more. So try to make YOUR paper standout. What you should try to do is think about what they have likely read and try to differentiate your essay topic from those of your peers. Maybe ask some of your peers where their essays are heading so you can get an idea. Make use of online blackboards or message boards to ensure you are aware of what’s going on in class.
Let’s face it, it’s not easy to predict what a good topic will be until you get into researching and writing about the topic. However, some tricks you can use to choose a good topic include: finding a topic that seems interesting or relevant to modern day life. And similar to having someone else edit your essay, you may also want to run some ideas about essays past your friends or your teaching assistant. They’ll be able to see things you can’t, or potentially suggest ways to improve your essay topic.
An argumentative topic can be something that interests you, such as an idea that relates to the struggles you’re going though as a student in college. An example is: Should a college education be a requirement for getting a job? Other essay topic ideas can be found by reading the newspaper and seeing what a recent contentious issue might be. Find something you’re passionate about, whether it be about your health, getting a good education, or your social life – you can usually find something to argue about or you can ask your friends for ideas. Finding a topic that seems like it would be fun to research and argue a point on is a good predictor of Many of them may have written argumentative essays before and may know some tricks about coming up with a topic that’s not just easy to write about, but that has a lot of relevant material available.
The way you should think about a great persuasive essay topic is that they are similar to an argumentative topic, but you’ll be trying to convince your reader about something. Topics usually follow the formula: “something about society/topic that is common” + “some people disagree with this and believe that instead x should happen/it should be this way.” This is a common formula for coming up with a persuasive essay topic. An example of a topic that follows this framework is: Most people believe that cellphones benefit society, but parents often believe that they do not belong in the hands of anyone under 21. This topic is relevant to our society, it’s somewhat interesting and most of you should be able to relate to this topic. See, it’s not that difficult to come up with a persuasive essay topic that would likely be easy to write about and have much written on the topic, allowing you to easily find reliable sources.
By now you should have a solid grasp of a few different essay topic types and how you can come up with an awesome topic that’s sure to WOW your reader! And once you’re finished your rough draft or outline, have one of our expert essay editors review your work to not only fix your grammar, but provide you with helpful comments on improving your paper.
Writing a literature review doesn't have to be challenging. Let one of our essay editors walk you through the most important steps below. We'll lay it out, step-by-step, including how to structure your literature review, how your sources should be organized, and everything in between!
This may sound obvious, but it’s an easy point to forget. Most students are enrolled in multiple classes, and some students have a tendency to put out fires instead of working proactively. That’s a great strategy to maybe get by. But when you’re spending thousands of dollars on your education and trying to prepare for your future, you want to excel, right? Your instructor is required to give you ample time to write an essay. Use this time efficiently. Within two days of receiving your essay outline, take the time to review all your options. Starting early is a good way to appease the anxiety you may have. This is especially true if you can get ahead of the game. Often, you’ll see a topic or two that you’ll be confident in your ability to handle.
Many people –especially those in the humanities –get it wrong and confuse the concept of a Literature Review with a “Literary Analysis”, which is where a student does their own evaluation of a famous piece of writing—but a Literary Review is a very different form of writing. (Sorry English Lit students, you can tell us later how much Catherine and Heathcliff’s personalities match the imagery of the craggy rocks and heather-filled natural landscape in Wuthering Heights.)
Literature Reviews are essential pieces of academic writing but, don’t be fooled by the name! What they are NOT, are some type of Google review on the latest John Grisham or Margaret Atwood novels; what they ARE, are distinct scholarly articles written about specific topics in specific subject areas.
So, let’s say you are a scientific botanist who needs to understand what medicinal properties belong to different flowers in the Bora Bora jungle. Instead of loading up on mosquito repellent and heading out to explore the wilds of the jungle, you would look up previous research on jungle flowers, synthesize and evaluate the scientific knowledge, and set out the data in the form of a written review. Such a Dr. Livingstone, I presume, would then only be fighting his way through literary articles and the twisted branches of his botany terminology instead of a literal jungle. And, without ever leaving the comfort of his padded swivel chair, his well-researched Literature Review would become the ultimate academic way of presenting “all things jungle growth”, as well as a way of showing the rest of the world his own considerable knowledge of the topic.
This, then, is the basic gist of a Literature Review -find what other knowledge has been shed by learned authors and reliable sources, and present the findings in a clear and effective paper that demonstrates your own understanding of the subject.
[So far, you now know: It’s a scholarly review; it is on a specific topic in a specific subject; you gather research, look at the writings and determine ways they are good or bad representations of your topic; you piece together a clever evaluation of everyone else’s writing by setting out information on the data you’ve found.]
Since a blog can’t incorporate an FAQ portion, I will utilize the ever-popular trend of acronym creating since there is a logic in using mnemonic devices to help us remember things. So, at the end of each section please look for my QAS (Quick Acronym Solution). It can help give you a simpler method to remembering important bits of information.
--It is AWESOME:
- A
- Written
- Essay
- Synthesizing
- Other
- Major
- Expositions
Okay, it’s a cleverly written article looking at others’ work- now, how do I begin?
Good question. Crafting a Literature Review is both a summarizing and a blending of all potential written research that has to do with a specific subject ---your specific subject!
Done by way of “a search and evaluation of the available literature in your given subject or chosen topic area” (https://www.rlf.org.uk/resources/what-is-a-literature-review/), a Literature Review can relate to any discipline although it tends to be found mainly within the sciences or social sciences (hence why it worked so well for our Dr. Livingstone character!).
In forming a proper Literature Review, you need, before any of the actual work begins, to think of exactly what your point, or purpose, will be and how it requires you to use such particular gathered information. In simpler words:
Know what you’re gonna say, and then gather what you need to help you say it!
Let’s take it as a Step-by-Step process so you get a clearer idea of what you are trying to do:
Step 1: Understand the Scope of the Assignment. Is your Prof asking for a critique or evaluation of literature? Does he want you to summarize the papers in search of a particular theme or describe how various authors have dealt with a similar trend? Know your own topic first.
Step 2: Gather Multiple Sources. Go visit your school or local library for books or to access electronic databases or indexes. Creatively seek out more sources with online journals, news publications and newspapers, conference materials, etc. Sometimes there are specialized groups you can join and online forums or chat groups can also provide lots of direction as others may provide important links or quick answers if you are asking for a book or writings of a particular author. You can also search out examples of Literature Reviews within your own field of study. Seeing how someone else has done this same type of writing can be used as a precedent for your own project. **Always remember to cite sources both in-text, while you’re writing, and in a final Works Cited page. NEVER, EVER use someone else’s work without acknowledging them or else it is plagiarism!**
Step 3: Evaluate, Analyze and Synthesize. Now that you have a smattering of written articles, excerpts from texts, online publications, etc. all splayed out over your desk, it is time to formulate a plan. You can start by grouping your writings. Maybe you see a few good points that are significant to talk about and match your topic -set those writings at the top of the pile. Perhaps there is a number of sources that contradict or say something that is not as well supported by their academic colleagues, make that into another separate pile. The idea is to read the writings carefully, analyze the significance of what is being said, and synthesize or work it into your own points and your own writing.
Step 4: Set out Your Thesis. Begin your paper by setting out your own main thesis or guiding concept; ie., a Social Science student may be examining the history of psychiatric influences and drawing a comparison between European psychiatry to that practised in colonial countries, as opposed to just looking at the history of psychiatry. Another paper may make a study of child and adult behaviour in specific social scenarios, OR refine this to a view of Muslim children and education processes when they live in Muslim-minority regions. In other words, be as specific as possible and really pinpoint a specific issue –too much generalizing will actually lead to more confusion and less effective writing.
Step 5: Start Writing. Within your writing, you should always use your own voice and point out the main topic and issues with clarity. When you set up your paragraphs, you should paraphrase the other authors more than you actually put in quotes (like a 75% - 25% split) as it is easier to set out the details of multiple positions and multiple authors without having to stop and give direct quotes. Your own writing should be intertwined throughout also as you don’t just paraphrase others but must also show how their points relate to your topic. It isn’t enough just to say “Freud’s theory of the ID, ego and super-ego rely mainly on his opinion that people are strongly influenced by sexual gratification”, you have to show WHY this is important to your own paper’s thesis like: “While Freud’s theory of the ID, ego and super-ego rely on his well-known opinion of the subconscious sexuality underlying all motives, this study will prove that people’s continuous subconscious aim of sexual gratification is not actually the strongest factor in dictating how a person perceives their own identity”. So, throughout the paper, you set out your own points, not just the other authors.
Step 5: Organize Citations and Sources. This should be a continual process as well as a final step. Keep a separate Word doc page or jot down sources on a piece of paper and remember to link them up with the specific ideas or points you found in them so you don’t get confused over this later. Many universities offer bibliographic or reference page apps or online programs that you can subscribe to that will help you with the citing and in creating a final References / Works Cited page. Please note that there is a definite distinction between “Endnotes” and a page of References (you may internet browse to clarify if you need specific help with Endnotes as that is a whole separate topic to discuss). ALSO – remember to pluralize the wording when you set out your page -it is not just “Work Cited” – you have looked at many sources so it is actually “Works Cited” and same for References -this should also always be a plural.
Again – see below Acronym solution to help you get it and START your Literature Review.
GEAR up:
- Gather
- Evaluate
- Assimilate
- Reflect
How do I structure it? -Should it have an Introduction / 3 Points in the Body / a Conclusion?
Quick answer to this is basically – YES. This is a written format like any other paper. Again, the point or purpose of your Literature Review will depend mainly on the field of study you are working within. So, the structure and set-up may also follow a style that is a best-fit for the topic and area of discipline. If you have any concerns over the actual formatting, you should always clear this up with your professor / instructor prior to beginning the assignment. [See below example from a writing centre link that shows a proper precedent paper in the Sciences / Medical field.]
Believe it or not, you have likely already read some forms of Literature Reviews without ever really being conscious of it. Like the standard “4 out of 5 doctors have recommended you use this cough syrup…”, much of what we read for is to be advised of the overall perspective and some legitimate final answer. We want the expert knowledge that has been accumulated, assessed and finally presented in a definite statement. ---You might not like the taste of Buckley’s but there is probably a whack of literature out there that supports how much it actually does work! At the very least, rest assured that someone has done a scientific Literature Review of specific articles relating to efficacy of cough syrups, ingredients in cough syrups, different mechanisms of different syrups, etc. etc.
A lot of self-help type articles we read online, in magazines, or books also present an informal style of a Literature Review. We basically see someone’s synopsis of a topic, they tell us the sources they analyzed and looked at, and how they came up with their own determination or findings. If the person or writer seems to know the subject very well, we usually feel they have credibility in assessing and sending out a final statement. This is much the same basic recipe and set-up you would follow for a Literature Review.
Follow this general structure for the Literature Review paper:
A quick glimpse often helps:
Should it just be summarizing the Literature pieces?
No! Do not confuse this type of Literature Review with the brief synopsis you sometimes are asked to do when you summarize sources and write a general overview of an entire article/book. In this type of review writing, do not just summarize your sources! -It is not a long list of all of your sources or a book-by-book description of the sources. The Literature Review must reflect on one particular topic or objective and guide the reader through the researcher’s position. A reader should be able to clearly tell if the researcher’s review has revealed any new valuable data or relevant information and if the researcher’s own claim has been substantiated.
Now, besides stylistic structure, a Literature Review also has a Specific Purpose, and this determines how your writing will be organized. For instance, a Literature Review, as mentioned, is often used in the Sciences and Nursing or Medical fields. Specific Literature Reviews in these cases may look at different types of “methodology” that were used or research approaches taken in respect to a topic like a medical practice or drug study.
There are basically a half dozen MAIN TYPES of Literature Reviews:
Let’s have a quick look at what each TYPE OF Literature Review intends to do with the writing:
Perhaps the most traditional form of a Literature Review especially in the Social Sciences, an Integrative review does precisely that: It takes what is found within existing bodies of literature and then reviews, analyzes and synthesizes all of it in order to perceive any new or unusual framework or theories. New findings can be brought to light and interpreted through these writings. It can help someone perceive of a new perspective or affirm an existing one on a topic of study as it pulls together multiple written research sources that relate to a particular theme and then examines them as a whole. The difference between this review and a Theoretical Review is that the Integrative review examines all variables within a topic and looks to critique and synthesize whatever ideas are gleaned from the writings; a Theoretical Review is less robust in the sense that it remains focused on ONE particular theme or concept or framework.
With this type of review, a theory or concept can be separately examined or an entire theoretical framework may be discussed. Theoretical Literature Reviews look at an existing theory / construct and delve into the research surrounding it to either prove or dispel its worth in respect to the current day’s field. What has been considered a viable theory may be analyzed through a review of literature. Flaws in the theory may be pointed out or new hypothesis may be created in the place of the old ones. The difference between this and an Integrative Literature Review is that the Theoretical review is concentrated on ONE main area where a theory or concept is written about in multiple sources; whereas the Integrative review will look at multiple issues / perspectives within the sources and blend and analyze it within a broader spectrum.
Most theories, academic findings, concepts or phenomena have some sort of historical element to them. A Historical Literature Review will examine any one of these through a distinct timeline. Tracing the beginnings and outlining the growth (or dwindling) of anything (be it existential philosophy / history of Freud & Jung’s psychology methods / use of low-dose aspirin / education in low-income sectors, etc.). It most cases, it shows both the growth and evolution of whatever is being researched and allows for any predicted future changes, improvements or corruptions.
Mainly from a Social Science perspective, you would look at a commonly accepted belief or theory and either refute or support it by looking toward a body of literature. You use the literature that gives the contrary or opposing view and then make your own stance and viewpoint against that. So, even if you agree with a main argument in a philosophy theory, you prove and argue the point by showing how other theorists appear to be WRONG and are saying things contrary to this theory.
Perhaps the one that is most relevant in Science, a Systematic Literature Review will pull together ALL sources related to one specific point or question of research and does a more rigorous and in-depth examination than other types of reviews. It will often depend on a main question or sample query, like “Can the determination of [some postulated activity or genetic flaw] create the effect of [some particular illness]?” Most Systematic reviews are done on clinical medicine or pre-existing scientific research and are intended to appraise, report, analyze data and assess the actual validity of any such findings or pre-existing scientific research. This type of review can also be used in the Social Sciences as in areas of Political Science or Business and Economics as more and more policymakers are turning to look for empirical evidence to guide decision-making.
A method analysis is often required in areas dealing with data collection / data analysis / medical research / statistics (to name a few), and allows a researcher to sift through written literature and analyze not only WHAT someone had to say, but HOW they went about gathering their information in order to say it. Review of methodology allows for people to consider all ethical approaches and pitfalls they might encounter in their own chosen field of study when setting out their own studies and postulations.
IT HAS [a] Method:
- Integrative Theoretical
- Historical Argumentative Systematic
- Methodological
What is the MAIN POINT actually (again) of a Literature Review?
In recognizing what a Literature Review is NOT, we can better understand its primary purpose and why it is done in academics:
Here is what it is NOT and what is NOT DONE:
When you begin a Literature Review consider how it is mainly a BLEND of an analysis of other authors’ main concepts and your own evaluation of the same topic.
You should realize a good Literature Review intends to do the following:
It mainly seeks to ASSESS:
-Analyze source material in connection with your own topic
-Specify any gaps in the literature and the significance of that
-Signify any similarities within theories or major debates of your topic
-Emphasize your own viewpoint and your own findings throughout the paper
-Summarize the content of the literature and how it can lead to further studies
-Suggest new ways to look at existing theory
All in all, a Literature Review seeks to help others understand your own conclusions by showing how you have relied on other authors’ expertise in a subject. In a sense, as the author of a review, you are gathering up details much in the same way you look to a Google Review for finding the best restaurant / the best way to fertilize your lawn / the best car dealer in town, etc. etc.
While I have assured you earlier that the writing of the Lit Review itself is NOTHING like a review you would make on Google, there is a similarity between how you would USE a Google Review and how you (or others) will USE your Literature Review.
Let’s consider this more specifically, you are after the ultimate method to make mouthwatering cheesecake –to begin, you call up a variety of articles and sources, consider mainly those ones that are from the most reliable sources (ie, Martha Stewart for the cheesecake versus an unknown Betty Baker), you evaluate the distinctions between the sources and whether some of them agree on things (ie., basic ingredients and oven cooking temperature) and if there are major differences in opinions (only use goat cheese not regular cream cheese). Then, in the final act of this type of search and up until you place the cake on your dining room table, you synthesize all the details you’ve read, decide on the ones that best suit your purpose (someone is allergic to goat’s milk), filter out less credible beliefs (who makes cheesecake with goat’s milk?), and forge ahead with your own culinary masterpiece. This is an analogy that you can hopefully sink your teeth into (if not literally, then figuratively) to show the intention of a Literature Review.
It should have a conclusion that can summarize all the most important details and aspects of your topic that were found in the literature. It should present best solutions for improvements in a theory / concept or scientific endeavor and point out other areas for future studies. Readers should come away feeling that you have validated your position by such a thorough examination of other authors. Finally, a Literature Review should act to clarify your own understanding and be educational to others whether or not they share your same field of study.
So pick up your pens and go begin!
We’ve all been there – it’s less than a 12 hours before your essay is due and the amount of stress you’ve built up is not helping the grammar corrections you still need to make on your essay. While you may ask yourself, “how can I correct my essay,” what you really need to do is find an overnight essay correction service that can help you find all of the writing mistakes in your paper and thus, improve your grade. You may be tempted to find a free paper checking service, but as we all know, there’s usually a catch when something’s free!
However, you may want to try editing your work on your own. You can do so by looking at your essay’s template (or outline) and compare it to what you’ve written to see if you have incorporated all of the ideas you set out to convey in your essay. You’ll also want to check whether your essay flows from one idea to another in a professional manner. While doing this you should read it aloud to ensure that all grammar, spelling, and punctuation is accounted for, which some do my creating a checklist.
It should be clear by now that correcting your essay is no easy feat – in fact, it’s quite time consuming, however, if done right, it can set your essay apart from those of your peers, earning you valuable marks. The most efficient way of correcting your essay is to read it over first and then have an essay corrector, such as an editor at Edit My Paper, do the heavy lifting. Each editor has checked numerous essays for mistakes in the past and has been vetted to ensure they know how to use proper grammar for Canadian, British, and American English.
The most important asset an editor can have is their ability to check the sentence structure of your written work. It’s fine to just check the basics, but checking and modifying your sentence structure can really make your paper flow much better. After all, you may have a well-researched paper, but if your professor has difficulty reading your work or finds your sentences awkward, you will lose valuable marks.
With this in mind, the next time you ask yourself “how can I correct my essay,” choose an online editor from EditMyPaper.ca so you can spend the time you would’ve spent pulling an all-higher with your essay, socializing with friends. After all, having your written work edited by someone else is suggested by college professors and why trust your friends or family when you can submit your paper in less than 3 minutes and have it back, fully edited by a professional editor, within 1.5 hours! Not only that, but each editor is vetted, has attended a Canadian university, and has a proven track record of editing documents, as well as a stellar academic record! With the best prices, the fastest return times, and most choice, what are you waiting for? Enjoy the benefits that Edit My Paper’s best professional essay editors can bring to your life and benefit from higher marks with less stress!