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Nursing School
Personal Statement Editing

A professionally edited personal statement will allow you to apply with confidence. Our language and admissions experts will boost your chances of getting accepted the first time! We fix all grammar and writing issues in a quick as 90 minutes! 
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A professionally edited personal statement will allow you to apply with confidence. Our language and admissions experts will boost your chances of getting accepted the first time! We fix all grammar and writing issues in a quick as 90 minutes! 
Students give us amazing reviews for a reason.
Try us to find out why.
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Upload your draft or complete personal statement  or application essay in .docx, .doc, or .rtf format. Need to download your file from Google Docs or Pages? Simply click File --> Download or click Save As to get a Microsoft Word file and upload it for editing. Additional information for your editor can be added before submitting your document.
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Our experts do more than just
EDIT your personal statement...

We know the admissions process is ultra-competitive, so in addition to fixing all the issues listed, our admissions essay professionals will carefully edit your essay to ensure meets current application standards. You'll receive both a tracked changes version (with comments) and a clean document when the editing is complete. Your experienced editor understands the admissions process and will provide helpful margin comments to show you optional areas that could be further improved with your input.
We also offer extra comments, critiques, formatting,
citation correction and more!
what we edit
We find and fix more than just simple English errors to give you the best chance of being accepted. Our service will boost your confidence when submitting your personal statement or application essay.
Your essay editor will go above and beyond to impress you, which is why checking and fixing your spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, style, flow, and consistency issues is included! Comments and critiques are also available to help you further boost your essay.
Still unsure about what our professional online editing service can do for you? Check out examples of what our application editing service can do for you.


Edit My Paper's personal statement and application editors are knowledgeable English admissions experts who enjoy improving writing to maximize your chance of being accepted. All editors on our team speak English as their mother tongue (native English speakers) and know what it takes to write an amazing application essay.

Editors go through our thorough vetting, testing and approval process, but are continually rated by our clients! Our editors consistently beat automated grammar checkers and have experience editing academic essays and understand all admissions processes.

Real professionals with extensive experience will take the guesswork out of the editing process. Satisfaction guaranteed. 


Zack is a professional editor who has a knack for editing and offers his services to clients with a journal article, dissertation or paper that needs polishing. He knows all of the most popular citations styl... Read more
J.N. has a BA Hons. and MA in English from one of the top universities in Canada, which is why he's such an excellent editor with his wide range of expertise. His editing skills are appreciated by clients. Th... Read more
Joan has always enjoyed working with language and never tires of finding the best ways to make words work effectively for any given purpose. She was trained as an educator, and now she continues her pursuits ... Read more

open 24/7, 365 for
all types of writing

Our personal statement review service is quick, affordable and most importantly, accurate. Whether applying to a small school or Princeton University, we customize our editing to match your needs. We have overnight editing staff available to ensure your essay gets to the right editor and is returned to you by your deadline. Our return options start from 90 minutes!


Editing and Proofreading Service Combined. Any Application, Anytime. 
We also edit other types of documents:
Is there a reliable Personal Statement Editing Service?
Yes! We offer reliable and trustworthy personal statement editing assistance at reasonable rates. Our team consists of highly qualified editors from different backgrounds, so you can rest assured knowing that no matter what kind of personal statement or application essay you need us to edit, we'll deliver top quality results every time.  

Our editors come from various fields, such as law, medicine, business administration, education, nursing, psychology, etc., which means they know how to write properly and have all written personal statements that have got them accepted!
Who can edit my personal statement?

Edit My Paper has been providing top-notch academic editing services for over 10 years. Our team is proud to say we have helped thousands of students around the world achieve their dreams by getting them accepted into prestigious universities like Harvard University, Yale University, and Princeton University. Our team consists of highly qualified editors who specialize in helping applicants write and refine strong personal statements.

Our mission is simple: To provide our clients with a high-quality service that will make all the difference between acceptance or rejection at your dream university! What makes us different from other companies offering similar editing services? Unlike many other companies out there, we do not charge extra fees just because you want a specific type of document edited. Instead, we offer affordable prices without compromising quality.

What is a personal statement?

A personal statement is your chance to tell the admissions committee why you want to attend their school. It's also a chance to tell them about yourself, what makes you unique from others applying, and how you'll contribute to their institution's mission. It’s an opportunity for you to show them that you are interested in what they have to offer, and it can be used as evidence of how seriously you take yourself when applying to college. You should tailor it to each individual program or department. For example, if you plan on majoring in business administration, then focus on highlighting your leadership skills and experience with teamwork.

Our personal statement editors will ensure your document is proper, free from English language issues, and vastly improved to give you the best chance of getting accepted. We know competition to get into a college, university or specific program is tough, which is why our experts will take extra time to make sure your writing stands out and is the best it can be.

Who are your personal statement editors and what do they do?
Edit My Paper has a select team of admissions editors who are experts at personal statement editing. Editing a personal statement or statement of purpose is different from a simple grammar check. It involves checking the requirements, understanding the degree or program it's being written for, and tailoring the editing to ensure it meets the requirements. This often involves editing the tone, rephrasing sentences and improving the overall presentation. Grammar, spelling, style, punctuation, flow, and consistency are always checked. Helpful comments are provided in addition to the editing. If our editing service is slightly outside of your budget, consider asking a graduate or your guidance department for assistance. Our editing service starts at $7 per 325 words and return times start from 90 minutes!
Our editing team consists of admissions experts and language professionals who can quickly improve your personal statement to provide you with a competitive statement for the admissions committee. 
Can you pay someone to write your personal statement?
You can probably pay someone to do just about anything, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. Paying a company or person to write your personal statement isn't always a good idea, but you certainly can. It would likely be against the rules, and may not be as personal as if you wrote it yourself. This would be rather costly and may not come out as good as it you wrote it and then had us edit it. This is why we recommend our personal statement editors. They're experts at turning so-so writing, or a draft, into a submission-ready document that you can be proud of! If you are considering paying someone to edit and improve your personal statement, our personal statement editors are on-call 24/7, 365 days a year and our service return options start at 90 minutes!

Looking for additional options?

Need something else? Contact us to receive a custom quote to have your essay, thesis, work document or professional manuscript edited by one of our select premium PhD dissertation editors. You can also submit it online and we’ll take care of everything for you.


One of our Top 10 editors in each subject
Highest rated subject-specific editors only
Extra revisions to your text & more in-depth editing
From $18/page (325 words)
Experienced professional editors, doctors & researchers
Only university graduates
Perfect for term assignments, ESL writers or rough drafts
From $11/page (325 words)
Experienced teachers
University graduates or Master’s students
Perfect for short papers or second drafts
From $9.50/page (325 words)
Basic editing by teachers
Second year or later university students with a high GPA
Perfect for a quick English grammar check & short papers
From $8.50/page (325 words)