It's easy. You can submit your document for proofreading and editing in under 3 minutes! Start by saving your document as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or docx) and then head over to submit it here: Submit Here. Our system will automatically calculate your word count, or you can specify it. We offer various proofreading and editing service options to choose from, as well as turnaround times from 90 minutes! You can choose from our additional options as well, including extra comments, citation correction, formatting, and critiques. We'll edit and proofread your document within the turnaround time you select. Once ready, you'll receive a clean version and tracked changes copy to review. We're here if you have any questions or concerns, and of course we have a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Proofreading is included with all editing service packages, which start at only $7 for 325 words. The price increases if you want a higher level of service, or a quicker turnaround. For example, a 650-word paper would cost only $14 to edit if you're willing to wait a bit longer. We offer return times from 1.5 hours to 72 hours, and four service levels to choose from. You can get a free, no-obligation quote here: Edit My Paper Now!
There are many reasons why using an academic paper proofreader makes sense. First off, there are so many things wrong with papers submitted to professors these days. It’s not uncommon to see errors like missing punctuation, poor sentence structure, incorrect capitalization, grammatical mistakes, etc. These types of problems make it challenging for readers to understand the content of your paper, and they also distract them from reading the actual text itself. Trusting a professional proofreading service will boost the quality and overall presentation of your paper, while also ensuring it doesn't contain any errors.